Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Writer's Guidelines: How to Get Your Travel Writing Published

GoNOMAD prides itself on providing excellent, entertaining, informative and unique travel articles and research about destinations, activities and experiences. No glossy magazine fluff, no standard guidebook descriptions, no promotional hype; just honest, accurate, well-written and detailed articles and destination guides that speak to an educated, curious and well-traveled audience.TIP! Read the stories we have up on the site, and format your story the same way. We like short paragraphs, subheads between every few paragraphs, and photos with detailed captions.

FIND OUT WHAT WE'RE PUBLISHING, SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FEED and get all of our new articles on your desktop. GoNOMAD is always looking for talented, dedicated travel writers, photographers and researchers to join our team. We welcome queries and articles from professional travel writers and travelers with a strong writing style and something unique to share with our audience.

We pay for articles that are high quality, informative and provide useful guidance for a future traveler. TIP! If you have a website, add a link to GoNOMAD's writer's guidelines or to a story on GoNOMAD that you like. If you query us and show us a link you've put up, we'll move you to the top of the list.

Add GoNOMAD's writer's guidelines and your story link to Facebook and other social networks to help us pass the word. We love a good Twitter as much as the next guy! Help promote us as we publish your travel writing. And the list is long, so bear with us if it takes a while to see your story published.


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